Building a new house is an exciting time. There is a lot that goes into manage the costs and where you would like to spend your money. If you are in this position, you might have wondered, whats the average cost for a concrete basement foundation? Well, you have came to the right place if your are looking to get a quality foundation without breaking the bank. The foundation is one of the most important parts of the building process since it's responsible for holding up the entire house. Choosing concrete for your foundation is a secure decision that you can rely on to have a solid house for many years without as many potential issues as other building materials. You might also be concerned with what is the best basement foundation? In our opinion, the answer is concrete. We believe concrete is your best choice because of the amount of strength it has. It also performs well once it has cured and hardened. It's also a great choice because it's maintenance free. Once the foundation is set, there is nothing you will need to do to maintain it. Another great benefit is that it will easily protect to you from any pests that try to enter your home since it's a solid material.